Monday, November 2, 2015

New Films Coming.

I've been working on two new films from my last trip to NYC in September (Thanks Peter!). I interviewed Francine Tint and Anders Knutsson in their studios and got so much wonderful footage. I could easily have just put out all the clips online, but they go better for people when they are compiled together to create a moving story of themselves and their art. As you know I've been doing this work since 2011 and am now creating films specifically for each person. I'm no longer working on one giant film. Too little time, too little money, as a film like that takes so much time, resources, and money, or which I have none of those. I've only recently begun to monetize my youtube site to help raise funds for more shoots, but so far it's only raised under $16.00 in the 4 months since I began the monetization of my page. This is a true passion for me and I hope to be able to make many more of these in the future. I'm definitely missing out on the 1st rule of business, Location, Location, Location... but am working on changing that.

Thanks Francine and Anders for letting me into your studios and your lives to help document your histories.

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